We are happy to announce that Athens Technology Center will be a Community Partner at the mcb tech .21 and will be attending this year’s online conference on June 10th, from 13:30pm – 16:00pm! mcb tech .21is organized by our entrusted partner in many H2020 projects, Media City Bergen, together with NCE Finance Innovation.
How can democracy prevail when journalists are framed as “enemies of the people” and the lines between facts and lies are blurred? How can we protect the digital future in a time where tech giants are selling and exploiting our personal data? And, how will huge tech shifts impact your business as both a disruptive force and an area of significant opportunity?

Tune in to mcb tech .21 and meet Harvard Professor Shoshana Zuboff, as featured in Netflix’s “The Social Dilemma”, Chief Washington Correspondent at CNN Jake Tapper, and the king of disruptors Brett King, who’re aiming to answer these important questions.
You’ll also meet some of the exciting media and fintech startups that Norway has to offer: Factiverse, Mjoll, Visualyst, Bulder Bank, Kron, andQuantfol.io.
The full program for the event can be found here.
Sign up here: https://mcbtech21.eventbrite.com