Working towards a more flexible and adaptable industrial environment that can respond effectively to dynamic production requirements or changing market conditions
Public administrations across Europe at all levels continue to be faced in 2021 with the exceptional nature of the challenge of Covid19 which impacts on all aspects of economic activity and public service delivery as well as impacting strongly on...
MediaVerse brings together technology developers, social researchers, media publishers & artists to help all sorts of creators produce & share state-of-the-art media – while allowing them to keep control of their intellectual property rights.
We were honored to participate in this significant event and welcomed to share our views on the flaming issue of information disorders that news and journalistic organizations face!
Virtual newsrooms are now regarded as a step for survival, as they can enable a smooth transition from on-premise to a remote working model, covering end-to-end the news production process.
COMPAIR is an EU funded citizen science initiative designed to help anyone, including those with no science background or technical skills, to use new technologies to collect data that measures local air quality, understand what it means for their community,...